I discovered a passion for photography at the end of 2020. Whilst I explore a wide array of subjects, my photography love lies within close-up macro work, water and wildlife. I also enjoys mixing my artistic background with my photography skills in post-processing to create abstract and creative-art photographic images.
I am a member of the St Ives Photographic Club in Cambridgeshire. During my first year with the club I achieved the following:
- 1st place in the annual digitally projected image (DPI) quartet competition (submission of a panel of 4 related images)
- Received the ‘best newcomer’ awarded
- Achieved overall 4th place in monthly DPI competition (6 rounds)
- Was awarded ‘highly commended’ for 4th place in the president’s competition with the theme of ‘power’
In addition to photography, I have spent many years exploring different approaches to watercolour and now focus on fine-detail watercolour work. Examples of my paintings can be found on the art page.
In addition, I have recently started to produce pouring pain canvases, more information on these will be available shortly.